Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookie Policy of Lifting Gantry Direct

Lifting Gantry Direct is dedicated to ensuring your privacy when visiting our website. We aim to make your experience on our site as informative, safe and dependable as we possibly can. Our privacy policy which is shown below details how we make use of any information that you disclose to us when using our site and also what steps we take to protect it. When we ask for any information so that we can remember you when you visit our website then we want you to feel safe that any details you give us will only be used as set out in the terms of our privacy policy. (There are times when we need to update this policy but we will make sure that this page reflects those changes)
Our policy will include what sort of information we look for and collect and also what steps we take to keep it safe and protect your personal information along with website security.

The introduction to cookies:

-What cookies are
– How to disable the cookies
What data our website collects:
When you make a visit to our website either to browse products, make a specific enquiry or to give us an order our website may wish to collect the following information; your name and other relevant details including addresses (e-mail or home) and also specifics of what webpage you visited to give us an understanding of any requirements or choices. We may also request other details to help us complete surveys or send you any current offers.

Our use of the information:

Any information helps us comprehend any possible requirements that you might have and help us ensure we provide you with information and suggestions we think would be of assistance. Any details that you give us may also be kept by us for our own internal records. It is our hope that the information we gather will help us to continuously better our products, procedures and services making your experience and that of other customers pleasurable and informative now and in the future. We may occasionally send out certain offers and general promotional messages including news and updates, new additions to our range of products and services which we hope you will find interesting. The e-mail address you give us will be used for this purpose.
At times we may contact you to gather and study information relating to customer preferences etc especially before we launch a new product. We will most likely contact you through the email address given but could also contact you via any other method provided by you such as telephone, fax or post. (Please state if you have any preferences)

How we take care of your private information:

We guarantee that we never sell, lease or in any other way give out your personal information that you have disclosed unless we have to do so by law or have your authority to do so. We may use this data however to forward any information of a promotional nature about other products or businesses if we think they could be of use or interest to you (with their authority).
If you are troubled about any details of a personal nature that you believe we hold about you then you can requested what these are as per the data protection act 1998). Although we may have to charge a small administration fee. If you are worried that any of the information is incorrect or not complete then please make contact as soon as you can so that we can address any concerns.


We are committed to the security of any data you give us. We have the required internal policies and procedures in place using managerial, electronic and physical means to protect any details we collect to make sure any release of information or general access to it is kept from happening.


Our website will often include links and attachments to other sites which we think that could be of interest. However it is advisable to note that if you use any of these links to leave our website that we have absolutely no control or influence on these other sites. We are not aware or responsible for any security arrangements they have in place to ensure your details are safe and protected. They will not be controlled or bound by any of our privacy statement. Please ensure you take the utmost care to read the statement regarding privacy issues applicable to that individual website.

A short introduction to cookies:

Cookies are messages or segments of data which generally include information about any users. They are on your own hard drive within your computer and our own website also sends out those to try and establish your preferences. These types of cookies are programmed to follow your passage through our website trying to find out and influence your likes so that we can adapt and use any data to improve our website so that you find it pleasing and helpful. Any of our cookies cannot let us have access to your computer to obtain any personal information that you have not specifically disclosed to us.
All new and up to date web services and browsers automatically let cookies through onto your computer system. However you can almost always alter your computer settings to restrict cookies being added to it if you set your systems to block cookies. Please note if you do this then you may not be able to benefit fully from visits to our site.
Any cookie sent out by our site will usually:
Ensure our systems works as we designed it to.
Record and keep preferences noted during visits to our website.
Allow sharing of pages by assorted popular/favourite networks such as Facebook and Twitter etc.
Allow you to interact with our website.
Lets you use the enquiry forms ‘on line’
Accompany your visit giving us information to help us better our website in terms of speed, imposing security and generally making the experience more pleasing.
Designed to gather your private information without having your absolute authority.
Designed to collect any information that is sensitive and personal without your complete permission.
Forwarding data to essentially advertising bodies.
Sending recognisable information of a private nature to other parties.
Employed for paying commission on sales.
Your consent for cookies to be used:
At the time of your first visit to the website you will most likely see our banner informing you that we like many others use cookies. We use the ‘implied consent’ principle as stated and exercised with the 2011 EU cookie law. We presuppose that you have automatically chosen to allow our site to use and send out cookies. It is your responsibility to deny access if required using your own computer choices or using the information detailed below.
If you would like to find out a little more information regarding any specific cookies used on our site then there is some basic information below, however for more detailed facts you should visit the information commissioner office (ICO) webpage which will show up to date advice, guidelines, and information etc on the current cookie law.

Social Networks:

We encourage and appreciate any users of our website to share content, data or features in the most popular and common social media systems such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc amongst many others. To make this sharing simpler to use and allow more freedom our website utilizes widgets generally the same ones collected straight from any social media networks or any combined widgets from other third parties such as ‘add them’. Please keep in mind that any cookies and privacy policies along with their procedures can change. You should always rely on your own preferred privacy settings. The cookies are only sent out if you are signed into these specific networks when you use our website.

Tracking with Statistics:

Our website uses Google Analytics which allows us to record and accompany you storing any of your visits numerical details. The details can include general volume up to the identification of the browser you’re using to look at our website with. Any information we obtain is vital to allow us to understand and collate enabling us to improve our website in many ways such as ease of use, application and browsing speeds and promoting and ensuring greater security and safety.
Google Analytics is a highly safe, dependable and favoured product from the world leading Google brand. Privacy and security is of the highest importance to them. You can find more information about this on their safety guidance page. Please remember that Google also have their own Google Analytics opt out browser add on. This will let you have the capacity of opting out of all websites that track you using Google Analytics. However you should note that Google Analytics collects no personal/private information.
Our websites have been built utilizing the most common WordPress system. They either use WordPress in part or full in the applications. Cookies are used by WordPress to allow our visitors to use our site to its best advantage. They allow you to interact with its content. You are not required to take part in this, we do not automatically send out cookies to your website they only come into play if you use the forms on our website. You will see that our websites commonly use enquiry forms; they are there to allow you to contact us using these if you prefer. We endeavour to protect them as much as we can by using anti-spam procedures trying to make sure any visitors to the site are living people or organisations and not principally software robots or computer programs.

Stopping Cookies:

Virtually all browsers will let you make a choice or modify your settings for any website that you browse. By altering your browser settings you can stop any cookies. Always remember you may limit your ability to use the system on our website if you do. If you need to learn about disabling cookies in detail then please read advice given by Google, it is precise and informative. If you have any concerns about any cookie that results from any visits on the internet then you may also be troubled with spyware.
These are more precise types of cookie that look for more private information about you. There are several anti-spyware systems available on the market to stop this. We recommend learning more about software that is available. We suggest visiting Always bear in mind that you can remove or stop Google Analytics on any website by downloading the opt out browser add on from Google.