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Why choose light crane systems ?

It is often the case in a number of work places that some form of crane system would be beneficial. Also it can often the case that smaller cranes like A-frame gantries or Jib cranes will not offer the functionality you require. Yet a conventional overhead crane will be a little over the top for what you need as well as being much more costly. It maybe that your building simply isn’t designed to take a large overhead crane, if this is your scenario then why not consider a revolutionary light crane system which can be mounted to the floor or ceiling. Monorail crane systems are also available in this category with curved track options and more.

Customizable Light Cranes

Our light crane systems are made to order, very customizable and are available in a range of lifting capacities from 125kg up to 2000kg. There are a wide range of configuration options to choose from thanks to the modular design of this crane system. The light crane is really quite flexible offering both straight and curved sections in various lengths to suit your operation. You can choose from a range of gantry and bridge profiles to enable longer spans and heavier lifts whilst remaining lightweight. The gantry profiles can be plain or trussed and the bridge profiles can be plain, flat spine or trussed depending on your safe working load requirements. There are also further options of a turntable which will enable you to connect multiple systems together, and works well with a monorail system.
Choose from a range of mounting systems available to suit most structures. There are also a vast range of additional components to further customize and enhance your system. Benefit from hoist trolley’s to end stops, festoon extensions to bridge buffers and many more.

light crane


The Height; Working out the minimum headroom is paramount if your crane is to fit.
light crane system measuring
The maximum possible overall height is 6.3 metres which gives a max. under bridge height of 6 metres. It is wise to keep the lifting height under the beam where the trolley sits to a minimum to keep the operational resistance as low as possible.
Bridge Length; Try to keep to the minimum span you need, you should remember that the range for travel will be affected by end stops and trolley sizes so these should be taken into consideration during the planning stage. The maximum bridge length available is 10 metres (overall length = 10450mm).
Gantry Length; Floor mounted systems can be pretty much unlimited in the length of the gantry runway.
Rated Capacity; (The actual real load weight) These systems incorporate a 15% allowance in the shown rated capacity to allow for a trolley and hoist combination, eg. a 500kg bridge includes a 75kg trolley and hoist allowance.
Working Load; Try to select the crane system closest to the weights you need to lift, for example if the maximum load you are likely to lift is 210kg then choose a 250kg rated crane and not a 500kg one. This keeps the effort of moving the crane bridge to a minimum.
If our light crane system sounds like it could be just what you need then give our sales team a call or contact us using the contact us button or the rapid enquiry form, our team are always ready to help and offer help, advice and/or quotations to ensure you get the right product for your lifting operations.

How are Light Cranes fixed?

These light crane systems can be suspended from existing building structures using a suspension and/or bolting method, installation is usually straight forward; light cranes make the ideal workstation crane. There are a wide range of supporting brackets to choose from in order to suit most building constructions and steel work.
Light cranes may incorporate rather special door swivelling sections which can be used to go from one room/bay to another which have large door divides. The track can be swivelled out of the way in order to close the door between the two areas, and then re-connected when the door is re-opened.

Types of Light Crane Systems

There are three key types of light crane systems, floor mounted, ceiling mounted and monorail systems. Here are some more details on each type.


These crane systems are the monorail cranes type, they can be floor or ceiling mounted if required.
The light monorail cranes are very easy to customise due to the modular system, as used on our other light cranes. Single line configurations are the standard monorail, but with the addition of curved track, switches and turntables the light crane system can easily be turned into a closed loop system.
By using a combination of straight and curved track sections and possibly a turntable you are able to transport loads to different areas around the working area, often with multiple loads travelling at the same time. These configurations are ideal for production lines.

Curved Track on Monorail Cranes

curved track
We can offer a good choice of curved track sections in various radii, our standard curves include 45, 90 & 180 degree curves which can be connected to straight tracking in any way you need, enabling total versatility to the layout of your floor mounted monorail crane.

We can offer a good choice of curved track sections in various radii, our standard curves include 45, 90 & 180 degree curves which can be connected to straight tracking in any way you need, enabling total versatility to the layout of your floor mounted monorail crane.

Light Crane Turntables

monorail turntable

Adding a turntable to your monorail crane system can greatly enhance functionality. The standard, single track turntable can provide up to 4 connection points though more can be added if needed. Turntables enable more than one crane system to be connected. These turntables rotate easily on their precision ball bearings and can be configured for 45 or 60 degree turns. A range of control mechanisms are available. Mechanically operated turntables are ideal for occasional and moderate workflows. Pneumatic operation is available for 90 & 180 degree rotations.


Track switches can offer the benefit of branching off one track onto another, straight and/or curved. They consist of a pivoting track section which is easy to operate manually with either a standard manual operating lever or a double chain actuator.

monorail switch use

We have a range of other switch types to offer which include self actuating, automated switches, pressure spring switches and switches for turntables. The switched sections incorporate mechanical stops in order to close the unused track section. Switches may also be assisted by power for easier operation, electric, hydraulic or pneumatic power assisting switches are an option.


entry and exit sections
These special track sections enable easy removal or attachment of trolleys for the anchoring and travelling of hoisting equipment. The pivotal type track section consists of stops to close off the open end; these sections are ideal for closed loop monorail systems.


door swivel sections
If your work space consists of an internal door between two areas then a swivel door section could be ideal. The track can be swivelled out of the way if the door needs to be closed, but if the door can remain open then the section can be swivelled back into place to join two tracks. This system enables one crane to operate in two separate areas.


light crane trolleys
We have various trolley systems for our light cranes; the 2 wheeled trolley’s work well with straight tracked cranes whilst 4 wheeled trolley’s can run smoother and improves location precision. To help with the movement of larger load around curves and through areas with switched sections two trolley load carriers are recommended. This method also distributes the suspension trolley load, and so can up the trolleys capacity rating.

The trolleys have various load anchor points, including hook, swivel eye, swivel screw and rotating ring.
If you think one of our monorail cranes could work for you, then give our team a call or drop us an email. We can usually arrange site visits to discuss your exact requirements to ensure you get the right equipment for your operation.

Ceiling Mounted Light Crane Systems

It is often the case that that factories or workshops simply do not have the necessary space or sufficient foundations to install a typical floor mounted crane system. In these scenarios a ceiling mounted light cranes system should be considered.ceiling mounted light cranes
Your building structure will need to be assessed to ensure that it is structurally sound and capable of withstanding the imposed forces intended with the ceiling mounted light crane.
Our range of ceiling mounted light cranes is produced in modular segments with the enclosed track profiles being light in weight yet having high strength properties. The track’s running profile incorporates standoff reinforcements to enable much larger spans.

There are a wide range of support brackets options to choose from in order to cover most types of building constructions and supporting steel work, though special sway bracing is usually recommended as well for ceiling mounted light cranes.

light crane bracket options

So considering the above, our ceiling mounted light crane systems can usually be customised in order to work with your building structure, large, small, old or new. Available with safe working loads up to 2000kg, bridge lengths possibly up to 10m and virtually unlimited gantry lengths.

Types of ceiling mounted light cranes hanger assemblies

We offer a choice of ceiling mount, hanger assemblies which may be flush mounted or dropped type hanger styles; wrap around or double saddle clamp arrangements are also options.mounting options

There are two types of flush mounted hanger mounting brackets, one is suitable for use on a plain profile gantry and the other is for a trussed profile gantry, both can be used in a parallel of perpendicular orientation.
drop bracketsThe drop rod mounts can be used for plain or trussed gantries and in parallel or perpendicular/ 90 degree angle in 500mm or 1800mm sizes.
Sway bracing is always recommended for all ceiling mounted cranes unless it is mounted completely flush to the steel structure. The sway bracing kits anchor back to the building structure to prevent unwanted side movement of the gantry framework and therefore keep the crane both stable and safe. Lateral and/or longitudinal bracing may be used depending on the crane itself. Lateral bracing is placed at 90 degrees to the direction of the gantry frame and longitudinal bracing is in line with the gantry frame. These ceiling mounted light cranes may need either or both depending on the circumstances, crane design, building structure and its intended use will all be taken into consideration.

track bracing

The gantry frame and the bridge profiles can be either plain or trussed, with the trussed profile version being able to take heavier loads.
As with the floor mounted system, these light cranes come with many features; the trolley system enables easy suspension of lifting hoists and runs smoothly along the inside of the closed profile track which keeps it clean and debris free. Festoon arrangements are ideal for the safe handling of power cables if an electric hoist is used for example. End carriages create the gantry and bridge connection, whilst the rubber bumper end stops absorb impacts whilst stopping equipment from accidentally exiting the track. Splicing kits help to align the upper section of a trussed gantry frame for easier and more precise joining.

Various track options are available from switches and entry/exit sections to curves and turntables; contact us if you require more details on these.
The bridge of a ceiling mounted crane system is available with various configurations to better suit your type of operation. If you have more than one bridge, some intermediate stop can be added to isolate each bridge to its own area of track. Bridge buffers can also be used in a similar way; the buffer is suspended to the gantry frame from two trolleys, they enable the distance between two bridges to remain at a pre-determined distance apart.
These light crane systems are fairly simple to install, maintain and extend/ add to in the future if you need to; this makes them a good cost effective investment. They will need thoroughly inspecting by a qualified person at least every year, with regular checks in-between by a competent person to ensure there are no imminent problems such as loose bolts etc.
Lifting Gantry Direct have qualified engineers who can install and inspect your crane system to suit you, call our team to arrange a site visit to measure up and discuss your crane requirements. 01384 76961

Floor Mounted Light Crane System

light crane measuring

This is the floor mounted light crane system and is available in 5 lifting capacities. 125Kg, 250kg, 500kg, 1000kg & 2000kg. With bridge lengths in any size up to 10 meters, maximum heights up to 6.3 metres and virtually unlimited gantry runway lengths these floor mounted light cranes are very versatile for many types of building structures. What’s more, the maximum span allowed between the gantry supports can be up to as much as 9 metres. Perfect for overhead handling of many types of loads across large or small working areas, the choice is yours.

Design & Installation

Because these cranes have been designed in separate modules it is very easy to customise the crane to perfectly fit your needs. The steel track is of a closed profile design in 5 standard profiles, with some having stainless steel options. Both straight and curved profiles in various lengths are available.
Due to this floor mounted crane system being modular, the crane is fairly simple to erect, it is also easy to take down and re-erect elsewhere if required. Another excellent benefit of these light cranes is that they are easy to add to if expansion is needed, by simply adding more supports, and runway sections, extra bridges can be added too depending on the SWL of the crane.
Floor mounted systems can be mounted onto a standard 150mm reinforced concrete floor, it is your responsibility to ensure the stability and capability or the floor, a qualified person may need to inspect it to be absolutely sure.

Main Components of Floor Mounted Light Crane

light crane components, floor mounted
There are many key elements to ensure the best operational functions of these cranes and are fairly standard options, though you may not require them all.

The end carriage facilitates a seamless connection between the gantry runway and bridge; whilst a ‘crab action’ is averted due to the side guidance wheels. The end stops are a standard feature on all cranes and are there to stop things sliding off the track; they incorporate a rubber cover to help to absorb any impact.light crane trolley End clamps are fitted to the end of the bridge and with a festoon extension system, the festoon extension can be fitted to a gantry track to enable safe storage for electrical cabling. The Festoon Trolley carries the power cables to the moving bridge or hoist. The Hoist Trolley works perfectly with our closed profile system and enables the easy anchoring of a hoisting device to the bridge. Splice kits connect the top of the gantry frame and aligns track portions for precision.

Additional Light Crane Enhancements.

Typically, festoon systems are used on cranes where powered lifting equipment is used; festoons hold the power cable in a looped manner and this is not always practical though deemed necessary for safety. With our floor mounted light crane system we can add special conductor bar system in place of a festoon, this enclosed bar is simple to attach with no negative restrictions to the cranes operation. The bar possesses copper conductors, continuously down its length to carry the power to the bridge and subsequently hoisting device. This conductor system is recommended for cranes with multiple bridges and long runway cranes as it removes the hanging cables and the need for a space encroaching festoon system which can affect the travelling span of the bridge.

light crane enhancements

Bridge Configurations

It is possible to use multiple bridges on a floor mounted light crane, and these can be different capacities as long as the maximum safe working load of the gantry frame is not exceeded. For example, 2 bridges with SWL’s of 250kg can be used on a 500kg gantry frame; or a 500kg bridge and a 250kg bridge would need a 1000kg gantry frame.
Intermediate stops can be added to keep each bridge operating in separate areas, this can often mean that a higher capacity frame in not necessary. Bridge buffers are also available; these can be used to set a minimum distance in which the bridges can operate from each other.

Track Options

We can provide a range of track options to help to facilitate the more non-standard crane operations, these include entry/exit sections to enable trolley fitting; door swivel sections for where the runway is interrupted by a door which needs to be closed at times; Switched sections to close off one un-used track at an intersection. Turntables can provide a connection between up to four track sections
Need Help with planning your light crane? Give us a call, we can usually arrange a site visit to measure up and plan for your specific needs.

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